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英语教研部——Matt Charlton
2022-10-27 13:01  

Personal Profile

I have worked for VU since 2016 as a 1st year teacher for 2 years before becoming coordinator. I'm originally from London, UK, but I'm currently embracing working online by basing myself in the Caucasus region. In the past I have lived and worked in South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and China.

When in Australia, I spent a lot of time in Melbourne - the home of VU - and I would strongly recommend taking the opportunity to study there in a fascinating, beautiful and multi-cultural city. I really enjoy travelling, and I very much enjoyed my time working in China and other countries. I'm looking forward to working with you all this semester and introducing you to the new and exciting world of online learning. Remember, the more you put in, the more you get out. I hope everyone takes the opportunity to develop some vital life skills and takes responsibility for making their education the best it can be. Good luck for your first semester with VU - I'm sure you'll enjoy the journey and learn a lot!

Units taught

ELICOS English for Academic Purposes (EAP) level 3 and 4

上一条:英语教研部——Elizabeth (Liz) Fleet
下一条:英语教研部——Ross O’Toole
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