Kincső Bozsik
职称 -- EAP Instructor, VU English
地址 -- AABC, Liaoning University, Shenyang, China
职务 --
邮编 -- 110136
邮箱 -- Kincso.Bozsik@vu.edu.au

Hi Everyone! My name is Kincső Bozsik. I have been teaching English as a foreign language since 2009 in various different contexts (language schools, state schools, companies). I moved to Switzerland in 2019 but got an EAP job at a prestigious university in the UK, so I moved there. After that experience, I came to the realisation that I would love to continue teaching at other universities as well, so here I am at Victoria University English.

I am very excited about our learning journey this semester and I will do everything to help all of you reach your study goals.

ELICOS English for Academic Purposes (EAP) level 5

