Lalith Seelanatha
职称 -- Lecturer
地址 -- 辽宁省沈阳市沈北新区道义南大街58号
职务 --
邮编 -- 110136
邮箱 -- lalith.seelanatha@vu.edu.au

Dr Lalith Seelanatha commenced employment as a lecturer in Accounting and Finance with Victoria University in 2008. Since then he has taught in both postgraduate (Business Finance and International Financial Management) and undergraduate (Corporate Finance, International Banking and Finance and Risk Management Models). He also had administrative responsibilities such as course and unit coordination.

Before he joined with Victoria University, he served as a Senior Lecturer in Finance at Sri Jayewardenepura University in Sri Lanka. He lectured a combination of accounting and finance subjects.

Before he started his academic career in 1990 he served as an Audit Examiner in Auditor General’s Department of Sri Lanka for five years.

As an academic in the Victoria University School of Business, Lalith’s research interests include:

  • corporate capital structure and governance

  • working capital

  • stock market

  • market structure

  • efficiency and commercial banking.

He is also involved in supervising postgraduate PhD and DBA students.

He is serving as a member of the Low Risk Human Research Ethics Committee of Victoria University and as a member of the Courses Advisory Group of Victoria University Business School.

Corporate capital structure
Efficiency and market structure
Commercial banking
International finance and business finance
Working capital management
Stock market
Risk management model

