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英语教研部——Andrew Crookenden
2022-10-27 13:01  

Personal Profile

Hi, my name is Andrew and it's my pleasure to be working as an English teacher with VU this    semester. I'm a Kiwi, which is one way of saying that I come from New Zealand. Like most     Kiwis I enjoy playing and watching a lot of outdoor sports. My favourite sports are rugby and   cricket, and my children and I love to play tennis on hot, sunny days. I have been a teacher for more than 20 years, and there is nothing I get more satisfaction from than helping my students    achieve their goals. I love to travel, and I have lived and worked in several different countries    during my career. I'm looking forward to meeting you soon!

Units taught

ELICOS English for Academic Purposes (EAP) level 3 & 4

上一条:英语教研部——Ross O’Toole
下一条:英语教研部——Benjamin (Ben) Brooks
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